Stanislaus Family Justice Center
“Art Of Justice”
2015 Fundraising Event
Each year the facility has a fundraiser asking local artists to select an inspiration piece from one of the children’s sessions and create a piece to donate for their silent auction. This year I chose “Hector” Age 7! This piece touched my heart in a very deep way…here is the pieces “Artist Statement” for the event:
Artist Statement
Tammy Jo Schoppet
Everyone has moments of feeling alone. A few weeks prior to selecting this inspiration piece my best friend… my “real friend”, passed away. The memories still being so fresh in my mind intensified the flood of emotion I felt for Hector upon reading his words, “I don’t have a real friend”. Because I can understand all the wonderful experiences that are shared with a true friend, it made me truly want to help him. I was missing my friend, he was wanting a friend…we connected that day.
The secret to developing friendships all lies in how open our own hearts are to offering up friendship. The thought of starting a new friendship made me choose this bold statement, “U R My Friend”. The intent is to allow whoever sees this piece the opportunity to know they no longer have to feel alone. By simply deciding to offer friendship, others are more than willing to accept it and it fills you up as well. I chose to believe that Hectors joyful surfboard and waves were representations of riding the ups and downs of life together…which is what “real friends” do.
This piece is made of earthenware and can be used as either a wall hanging or serving tray. It was a happy piece for me and I found real joy and healing in creating it!