As a matter of fact…YES! The last time I worked inside my studio was November 9th 2015, but my mind has been on clay and more specifically “cups” ever since!
One of my 50th birthday goals was to put the 365 Day Cup project into a printed book…for posterity sake. If I’m honest, I’ve been putting it off for a long time. Since it’s now been 5 years it just seemed like an appropriate time to revisit the journey.
I went back and took all my original journal notes with 700+ photos, supporting people and resources, and yes, I even scanned through every single video! 300 pages and 4 months later, I finally finished the book! It was a long, but lovely, process reliving the roller coaster ride of events with so many life lessons I’ve retained from that experience!
February 16, 2016 it was released to…
My first pottery book!!
“365 Days of Clay Cups, A Cup – A Day – A Year”
A Hobby Potters “Excellent Adventure”
Learning the Art of Pottery”
Do real authors ever feel like this?
I’ll tell it to you straight! You’ll probably laugh at me for this, but just go with me for a second! I’m excited it’s finally complete, but the other part of me isn’t.
The book has only been available online for 2 days, which means no one but me has read it yet (except the couple people looking it over). The simple fact that someone will actually be reading it has me all wound up! It’s like someone finding my diary and reading it to the class! What if I’m the only one that loves it? What if people think it’s ridiculous and a waste of money? What if there are still typos for goodness sake? I honestly feel like George McFly from the movie Back to the Future…“I don’t think I can take that kind of rejection” LOL! I know I can’t change my mind and just delete it (like a video) if I decide later to keep these memories to myself. Once it’s printed, it’s permanent, there’s no going back…it’s a done deal! Breathe Tammy Jo, b r e a t h e … you just need to get out there and get back to your clay work! AND AWAY I GO!
What’s Next?
– The Stanislaus Family Justice Centers annual “Art of Justice” event to benefit children that have been through crisis. I’ve selected 2 children’s art pieces this year. This is one of my favorite events as I love seeing what local artists create using the recovering children’s art and words as inspiration.
– 365 Cups…in 1 month! For the 5 year anniversary of the project I thought 365 was an appropriate number! I’ve never done consecutive throwing (for fear of boredom setting in). To do this wheel throwing thing like a proper potter, I should do this repetitive throwing thing at least once in my life! There is also another reason….my beautiful daughter Bethany is getting married in October and I need to create 160 “like” cups for her wedding! I’ve never done more than 3 that match, so this should be a true adventure!
– Stanislaus Artist Open Studio Tour – April 23-24th! – Last 2 years I’ve so much enjoyed this event! People actually come to my studio where I give them a little tour and we talk about clay. Last year I had every visitor make a ceramic name plate and created a wall piece from them. Turned out great!
– March / April issue of Stanislaus Magazine – The fun photo’s I took back in November are going to be in a magazine! Sitting in the doctors office the other day I noticed this month’s issue sitting next to me. So next months visit is going to be so weird LOL!
– Looking for some exciting events to enter pieces in…something new and exciting, something to strive for I think.
Keep life fun I say!
Bless you all until next time! ~ Tammy Jo