Getting Ready!

After spending a few days mentally playing out how to share my 365 Day quest, I’ve come to some very interesting dilemma’s and decisions. 

1. Not every cup will take one day to complete. It will take a short time to throw or hand build the basic cup form, but there are the added details and trimming that must be done…quite possibly a day later. The question remains as to the best way to share the 365 day process.  
2. When to start?  Since I will be posting videos & blogs each day, I think it would be more manageable to publish them to the internet the next day. So to begin on January 1, 2011, I’ll need to throw my 1st cup on December 31, 2010 to get it online by the 1st deadline. 
3. Keeping the goal in mind. I wanted to establish a habit of throwing on the wheel, working with clay and improving on a daily basis. The “documentary” process should show my “real life” throwing journey. I  already possess basic throwing and handbuilding skills…but I’m an amateur work in progress. I’ll be sharing the triumphs as well as the trials. If I happen to “crash and burn” on multiple cups, I’ll be sure the day does not end unless I have at least 1 cup to show for the efforts!
There are many other items on the list and the reason being I want to start well and develop a steady pace..a comfortable pace, a peaceful flow.  Looking forward to this experience and I hope it can inspire others to get started doing something they love…you never know where it will lead!

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