365 Days of Clay Cups – FINALE Gallery Show – Artist Talk-Demo & Recepti…


This is it for the 365 Day project and the culmination of the full year and the only time they will ever be displayed together 🙂

Here is last nights Artist Talk & Reception at the Chartreuse Muse Art Gallery in Modesto, CA. (Thank you Husband & Daughter for Making this video…I love you)! What a wonderfully fun event and I sure hope this video helps you to feel like you were physically there with me…I thought of you all the entire evening just wished I could thank you in person.

It was great to see friends and family and also to make some wonderful new friends! The place was pretty packed most of the night and my sweet husband took videos when he could find a place to set the try pod…LOL…so you will see some of the quieter moments ;)! I met some real energetic and enthusiastic people making cup collections and met some wonderful students doing term papers on the project. Little Claudia in the clip made the handle texture with her fingers…..so precious!!!

It was just amazing the reception the project got and am hugely humbled by it all. Don’t let those times when you are alone in your workshop fool you, what you are doing could be hugely important to someone else without you even realizing it! ..It was..quite surreal actually.

The talk itself (even when watching it on video) was a blur to me! With thoughts racing in my head faster than I could talk (which as you’ll see was pretty fast…the good thing was I wasn’t nervous because I envisioned talking to y’all on the camera), I think I was able to put the project in a nutshell. The greatest blessing of all is that the cups were flying off the shelves and as my friend Amber wished for me before the show, “I hope you get the measles”…which means the tons of little red dots put when they are sold!!

It was a beautiful experience for me and I sure hope all who attended felt and enjoyed themselves as much as I did!

The cups will be on display until May 31, 2012. If you still would like to purchase a cup, the gallery said they are able to ship. You’ll need to contact them for availability because the website photo’s aren’t up to date, Jennifer, Sandy or Ellen are just great – 209.522.0935

Thanks to Sandy, Jennifer & Ellen from the Chartreuse Muse Art Gallery for putting together the cup show and event! I was honored to be apart of your amazing gallery and want to encourage anyone visiting Modesto to pay a visit. http://thechartreusemuse.com/

Thank you all for making this project a time in my life I will always remember!
Love You All! ~ Tammy Jo

1. The Beginning –

2. Last Cup #365: – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwNEj0jXIBA
Hobby Potter Website: http://www.HobbyPotter.com

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Email: info@HobbyPotter.com

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