Cups # 357-358 Simple No Handle Cups

As you may have noticed on these last videos…I’ve inserted slides/photos from throughout the year, this clip has Addy the workshop cat (what a sweety she was) and my list to help me get a grip on what day would be what cup# (don’t think I’ve shown it before 😉

Tammy’s TOP 10 of 2011: What I’ve learned this year…

#7. “Enough is as Good as a Feast”
My favorite Mary Poppin’s phrase that in some ways has become my own personal mantra! The concept of “enough” was something I pondered on with each and every cup and video! Have I trimmed “enough” or when I’m decorating or adorning is it a feast or too much? Being satisfied with what’s been done is still a very difficult thing for me, because I can always see ways to fix it or add more… but I realize… More is not always better…sometimes is just “more”.

#8. Moving from Technique to Creativity
I’m not exactly sure when the switch over happened, but there was a moment in time when the “how” (technique) didn’t matter as much as the “why” & “what”(creativity) I was producing. My focus changed! In other words, once I had my basic techniques, “what” I was making began to fill my mind and the gathering or the “how” slowed down. Don’t get me wrong, I’m always learning new things and happy to do so, but when I was able to really focus on the creating, the project took on a whole new dimension.

Thanks for watching and hope you enjoy!

Warmth and Friendship,
Tammy Jo




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